SCS Blog
Is it time for a more strategic approach to waste?
If waste is a resource, that if it is managed more efficently, can reduce costs, increase recycling and even generate more income. So how can this be done?
Conduct Gap Analyses
Conduting a Gap Analysis is a great way to examine the way waste is being managed and to identify whether any opportunities are being missed. This might involve gathering existing documentation, such as waste transfer noted, analysing waste and mapping waste flows. It may also be a great idea to review sustainability or CSR strategies to see how new processes may help to deliver on key targets. As well as exploring ways employees are told about proper resource management.
Keep it bespoke
Every client's needs are different and so should their waste management model be.
Think about your waste strategy
In order to maximise sustainabilty, comply with legislation that relates to waste treatment and to also maximise sustainabilty, every facility shuld have a waste strategy in place. This should envisage the physical limitations of the facilites and have a direct impact of collection frequencies.
Are you due an independent waste audit?
This should establish what you are trying to acheive, as well as confirm your compliance, check the effectiveness of a recycling and waste management scheme and determine the exact composition of waste. This audit will also help to distinguish how far company policy, in regards to waste and recycling, is being carried out.
Have you given this much thought? Contact us to find out more.
Office Lighting and Workplace Productivity
With the sun setting at such an early hour as this time of the year, lights in and around a place of work must be turned on to avoid people working in the pitch black. Now having the lights on in a place of work is common for every workplace, however, did you know office lighting, and more specifically how the office is lit, has an effect on peoples mood and productivity?
It is well-known reading or using computers in darkly lit rooms is bad for your eyes, not to mention performing other work tasks when its too dark to see can also be dangerous. However, lighting has effects beyond sight and can affect the physical and mental state of a worker.
Issues with improper lighting
When it comes to artificial lighting, the dimness of a light can have a negative effect on productivity for a number of reasons. Mainly and most importantly, dim lights can cause major eye strains, as eyes have to work harder in order to see. in addition to this, it can also cause drowsiness and lack of focus, leading to a lack of worker productivity.
Alternatively lighting that is too bright, or 'harsh lighting' as it is also known, is just as harmful in mostly the same ways, however harsh lighting is more like to trigger migraine headaches.
How to improve office lighting
A good visual environment has sufficient light that provides good contrast between the task the employee is working on and the environment they are working in.
According to some studies, the impact can be game-changing, even though the initial cost of lighting renovation can make some quite sceptical. Positives of the change can be from gains due to energy savings, but most importantly the increase in productivity.
If lighting that is too dim or too bright is mainly due to lack of correct maintenance on the electrical equipment. We do offer electrical maintenance and lighting installations if you require alternative lighting to boost your workplace productivity. Click here for more information
How can employers within the FM sector better support people living with mental ill health?
In a survey that was done in 2017, 68% of people who hire staff worried that someone with a mental illness would not be able to fit into the team. That survey also said that 83% of managers worried that they wouldn't be able to deal with the demands of the job.
This survey is quite telling when you compare that it was reported that there were 16 suicides a day in the UK & Ireland in 2016, with 11 of those being men. And the most likely occupation of those men would be described as Skilled Tradesmen. This shows that a lot is yet to be done in Facilities Management. Perhaps it will take a mixture of flexible working, training and provide a stress-free environment to ensure that men don't feel bad enough to do such a thing.
But what is most important is to get people to talk, to ensure that the de-stigmatisation of mental health issues will allow workers to be honest. It is now also being said that it is part of an FM's duty of care to invest in an employees' mental health.
So what can an FM do?
Educate yourself and your staff on mental health issues
Look for changes in behaviour in your staff
Check on employees when they are absent for long periods of time
Think about getting counselling for members of staff that have been through something traumatic
Empower staff and allow them to have a level of autonomy in their jobs
Most of all ensure you have a work environment where people can talk about their issues, even if it isn't for you.
Mental health issues are something that should be taken seriously, so don't neglect an issue and maybe talk to an organisation, such as Rethink to get more advice.
Are apprenticeships the best way to get into the FM sector?
With the introduction of the apprenticeships levy earlier this year, the value of an apprenticeship has begun to rise, and quite rightly so! The levy is a great way for a number of companies to get the incentive to nurture young minds and get fresh meat into the sector. Perhaps even bring some new ideas into the sector too.The levy is meant to help the government to achieve its target of funding three million places for apprentices by 2020.
The levy is also a great way for businesses to figure out where more training is needed to ensure they make the most out of having the young minds. And that they are nurtured in a way that is innovative to the sector too. No pressure!
It is due to a lack of awareness that FM isn't the natural first choice for young people first entering the world of work. By creating an inroad for young people via apprenticeships, will allow more young people to see the possibilities of the sector and this is sure to help with talent attraction and retention.
However, it should be noted that although value has risen, the amount of young people actually starting apprenticeships has fallen. And the simple reason for this is money. They simply aren't being paid enough and struggling to cover their basic living costs. This is as well as women facing an 8% gender pay gap.
Only time will tell what will happen to apprenticeships by 2020 but we hope that something changes to ensure that more young people get into the industry and innovate and nurture to allow it to grow.
5 Ways a Facilities Manager can Boost Morale and Productivity in the Office
Office Lighting
As mentioned in our blog, lighting is an important factor when it comes to productivity, moods and motivation in the workplace. But it is also good to think about getting lights that mimic natural sunlight, as this is known to keep people more engaged, alert and awake.
It may be costly to replace all the office equipment but there are minor tweaks that can be done. Such as ensuring that all workers have ensured that their computer screen is at eye level, that the mouse is within comfortable reach, that shoulders are relaxed and supported again a backrest, that feet are firmly on the floor or on a footrest and last that elbows are at a 90 degrees angle at your sides and that wrists are straight.
It can be hard to work in an environment that is too hot or too cold. FMs should ensure that the temperature is kept just so and those that feel too cold or too hot have low-tech solutions. For instance, a blanket for those that are cold and a small desk fan for anyone that is feeling too hot.
It can be hard to concentrate in an environment that is noisy and this can lead to a loss of work of nearly two hours. But having designated times for a mini break during the day or a quiet room within the building is sure to keep all workers happy and productive.
The most effective way to ensure that all employees are happy is to ask them what would help them to be more productive. Not only is it a chance for improvements to be made by the people who are directly affected by them but it also allows for more insight into what employees feel is lacking in the workplace.
Common causes of electrical fires
In 2015/16 1380 fatalities and injuries were caused by electrical fires with 15,432 fires caused by electricity.
The months that tend to have the most electrical fires are from December to February due to increased use of heating appliances and lights.
Below is a list explaining the most common causes of electrical fires and what can be done to prevent them from happening in an office environment.
Light fixtures, light bulbs and lamps are a very common cause of fires. Fires can be started by lighting for many reasons, such as inappropriate wattage. If the wattage is too high then the bulb could burn out quickly and cause damage to the light port itself. We recommend checking the maximum suggested bulb wattage on any lighting fixture or lamp. Never go over the recommended amount
Extension cords
The misuse of extension cords is quite a common cause of an electrical fire. Extension cords should not really be used as a permanent measure, and appliances should be directed plugged into an outlet. An extension cord should only be used temporarily. This often causes electrical fires in offices and other places of work, where there are multiple appliances used at once. If you do not have the appropriate type of outlets for your business and the appliances you use, then we recommend using our electrical services to install new ones.
Faulty appliances
The most common cause of electrical fires is by using outdated or faulty appliances. Faulty parts include appliance cords, receptacles and switches. Avoid using appliances with a frayed or worn cord at all costs. The frayed cord can send heat into flammable surfaces such as floors, blinds/curtains or carpets and rugs. Even running cords underneath rugs can cause a fire.
No office has a temperature you can work in. No matter what, it's either too hot or too cold. More often than not we all end up using portable heaters and because they are portable, most people put them too close to flammable or combustible items or surfaces. Within an office, this can include, carpets, rugs, bags, coats and blinds/curtains.
Coil space heaters can be the most dangerous because the coils can become so hot then they can instantly ignite any flammable item nearby. The best type of portable heater to use would be the radiator styled ones.These diffuse heat over the entire heat of the appliance and are less likely to ignite flammable items, however, they should still be kept at a distance to be safe
Preparations for Premises
If you run commercial premises or work for a business that uses one, you’ll know that the early months of the year are when costly disasters occur. At the start of a new year, the last thing you need is a major business interruption in the first quarter
You can help to lessen the likelihood of a disaster happening in the first few months by following some sensible approaches that could save you many thousands in costs to the business.
If you have heating at your commercial property any sudden change in temperature could lead to a breakdown of the system. This could lead to sub-zero temperatures and unfit working conditions.
If for any reason your offices will remain unoccupied for a long period at the start of the year, such as staff being on holiday, leave the heating on at a very low temperature in order to prevent pipes freezing or bursting.
You can also check to see if all windows are closed fully with no drafts by having gaps resealed with our maintenance services.
With heavy amounts of rain and snowfall in the winter months, roofs are most likely to fail, either with leaking or collapse. If you’ve had a long period of wet weather, its best to check for signs of damage on the roof. Look for water penetration through the roof or standing water left forming puddles. With our maintenance services, we can spot anything out of the ordinary as a quick inspection could help prevent a major calamity.
Preparation for snow
If snow or ice is expected then stock up on resources to tackle the freeze. Having an adequate supply of grit salts is a good start as they make it safer when around the property. Gritting the car parks, entrances, or roads around the property make them more accessible for employees. In addition to this, having equipment such as shovels and de-icers is helpful in case there is a drastic weather change during working hours and people are stuck.
Crime figures support the fact that burglaries increase during the winter months, due to shorter days and the fact people tend to be out of office environments over winter. by installing CCTV, you can avoid a burglary by preventing it. A visible, well located and modern CCTV system is a proven deterrent. It tells potential criminals that the property is an easy target. They simply go elsewhere, rather than risk being caught on camera. It like having a security guard working 24/7 “ a security guard that never blinks and never forgets. We offer a full CCTV survey which you can read about here
Maintenance contract
Style Commercial Services has rapidly established itself as a leading commercial property solutions and maintenance provider, with extensive knowledge to deliver tailor-made service to meet the highest standards in the industry. Day to day maintenance is coordinated by our operations support centre who are used to working with organisations of all sizes to help them achieve the very best in their business, even when disaster strikes within the winter months . Combined with our skilled workforce, this ensures that your maintenance requirements will be handled to the highest standards of the industry
Prevent blocked drains
Drain blockage can be highly unpleasant to deal with when it happens, especially when it is in a working environment. When it comes to a commercial building you should already be careful what you put down your drain as blockages are not easily managed in well built urban areas. Here are some tips to make sure that your drainage system stays clear and unblocked.
Watch what you dispose
Things like coffee grains, grease and hair should be avoided as they tend to build up in water systems. Coffee grounds and grease should be deposited in a bin or appropriate containers. Most drainage systems, such as sinks or outdoor drains should be covered in a sieve or screen to stop any unwanted solids making its way into the system.
Hot water
Always try to run hot water down the sink or drain after every use. The hot water will break apart any liquid with a thick consistency, such as fat and oils. These liquids clog and stop water from flowing through the drainage system.
Baking soda
As well as being an effective cleaning agent, baking soda also acts as an odour repellent. It is able to absorb the odour and cleans out the drainage channels, removing blocked materials from the surface of the pipes. For the baking soda to take full effect, it's best to pour hot water down at the same time for an odour free clean drain.
Overall cleanliness
You and other residents/workers at your commercial property can assist in making sure that after every use, your drains are kept in the very best condition and blockage free. Form an office habit of running hot water after every use of the sink amongst workers if possible.
For more stubborn internal blockages, wash a handful of baking soda down the drain immediately, before the blockage solidifies and causes a drainage emergency.
Consult SCSFM
Here at Style Commercial Services, we offer several highly efficient drainage clearing solutions using van-based units all the way up to large tankers.
This includes but is not limited to:
- Water Jetting
- CCTV Surveys
- Gulley Cleaning
- Drainage Repairs
- Road Sweepers
- Sewer Renovation
- Waste Management and Treatment
- Engineering and Construction
Spring Maintenance Tips
Spring is not far away. and with a new season brings new property maintenance work. Here's a list of all the things that will need to be done to your commercial property this spring. If it seems like too much of a daunting task, we can do it for you...
Roofing & Gutters
As we've mentioned a previous blog, your roof takes could take a lot of damage in the winter months, so it's vital to inspect the roof of your buildings for wear and tear. Snow and ice from bad weather such as the "beast from the east" can cause leaks and water damage. A deep gutter cleaning is also needed to clear anything that can clog the drains such as debris and dirt. Clear gutters are needed when spring comes as there can be spring showers.
Car Parks and Pavements
Winter likes to leave a lot of destruction even after it has been and gone. Damage to concrete from ice and equipment, such as grit and shovels, used to move snow can often leave your car parks and walkways in dire need of repair. If you see any damage such as holes, cracks, or shifting slabs, they must be fixed immediately to avoid an accident
Seals and Trimmings
As mentioned before, its known to rain in spring and rain can damage exposed wood trims around doors and windows. This, in turn, can cause the wood to warp and gaps can form in the seals. If water gets through these cracks then mould and rot could affect the property and end up causing long-lasting damage.
Radiators & Heating
Although at first thought, turning off your radiators now the weather is getting warmer may be seen as a good idea. You may believe it will save you money because you won't need the heat, however, by turning off the radiators or heating on your property issues caused by damp will arise. You may save money on heating but there will be a larger and more timely cost in order to get rid of the damp. You must keep your heating on throughout the property, even at a low level in order to stop damp forming or spreading.
As previously mentioned, this may seem like too much to do alone along with the running of your business. That's why we're here! We offer several highly efficient maintenance services and support with extensive knowledge to deliver tailor-made service to meet the highest standards in the industry.
So get in contact with us if you require any of these services. From the original call to completion, our team is there to provide you with the peace of mind that the job is always taken care off.
Fire Safety Tips for your workplace.
Every workplace will have attributes that increase the risk of a fire happening, but these should be addressed quickly in order to prevent a safety issue. No matter where you work, be it an office block, industrial site, garage or shopping centre, you should follow our basic tips to help you maintain fire safety in your work environment.
Clean up
A clean and tidy working environment can help deter many health and safety threats from occurring. If you place of work handles large amounts of flammable materials then a clean area can be the difference between a minor incident, and a raging fire. Make sure everything is disposed of correctly and stored safely away from exposed flamed.
Electrical Safety
A large number of fires that occur in a workplace are later found to be caused by faulty electrical equipment and improper wiring. If you don't have a member of staff that is qualified to repair or maintain electrical equipment, then you can always hire us for electrical maintenance provide electrical installation and maintenance services to new and existing commercial and industrial developments, keeping abreast of the latest innovations.
Having a well-trained group of employees that are knowledgeable in fire safety is your biggest help when preventing or surviving a fire. Knowing what to do in an emergency can help prevent loss of life and infrastructure damage. Becuase of this, having employees repeatedly trained in your workplaces fire safety procedures as often as possible is vital
A major requirement of fire safety is knowing all safety exists as well as procedures in a fire. Make fire drills a regular part of your work life and ensure that em employees take it seriously. Perform fire drills once every month to ensure employees are confident in what to do if there is an actual fire. You may wish to appoint a fire marshal from your staff to oversee the fire drills, and take charge in an emergency.
As said before fault electrical equipment and wiring is one of the biggest causes of fires in the UK, with causing, on average, 27 fires a week, and being at fault for 54.4% of all fires. It is imperative you have your electrical equipment maintained and looked after. To use our electrical maintenance services please get in contact with us today at 0845 057 7830 & info@scsfm.co.uk